

Want to help make video make a difference?

We are always searching for freelancers to work with who will make us and our videos better.

We consider freelancers as full members of the Myriad team. Building relationships with these distinctly original creatives enriches work for clients and expands our thinking. It’s elemental to our value as an agency. Our capacity grows flexibly to meet our clients’ needs. We prioritize a variety of talent levels, ethnicities, areas of expertise and geographies.

Myriad is looking for more awesome freelancers to join us on a project-by-project basis. Working with freelancers helps us diversify the style of our work, become better collaborators, surprise our clients with new ideas and it's a lot of fun. In return, we aim to help our freelancers work on interesting projects with creative collaborators in an environment that is down to earth.

You should be kind, flexible, imaginative, trustworthy and client service oriented. Ultimately, we hope our partnerships with you lead to amazing work and positive experiences for everyone involved. We also expect everyone involved to register high on the “I give a shit meter.”

These positions are not related to a specific project. By submitting your information, we will be able to reach out to you down the road when a project pops up that might be a good fit. We’d love to hear from you occasionally with updates on what you’re working on that’s interesting, so reach out through email at