Our Outlook
The Myriad Perspective
At Myriad, our culture is the power source for everything we do. We nurture it with care.
It drives creative, fast paced, well managed engagements for clients and a human centered place of work for our co-workers and freelance collaborators. This culture starts with a perspective, a lens through which we view the world when making creative videos and films.
professional optimism
It’s our job to look on the bright side.
What a time to be alive. The world seems to be about as wondrous as it is heart-breaking. Both profoundly prosperous, and deeply divided. Both technologically advanced and unbelievably unequal.
But the way we see it— there’s never been a better time to put creativity to work. There’s no shortage of things to improve, and no lack of resources to improve them with. We consider it our absolute privilege to wake up Monday through Friday (and sometimes Saturday) and put everything we’ve got into helping nudge the world toward a common goal.
We see people and companies that also seek to do good as our brethren, our comrades, and our partners in purpose. We see you.
We’re not afraid of a little disruption.
Change is the name of the game. We fully believe in companies that push boundaries, and set their standards high. Our ideal partners put humans before tech, and strive to illuminate the outdated places, systems, and ideas that need a facelift or two, or four, or six. We think of companies like this as “healthy agitators” and we’re all about amplifying those messages. How do we spot a company
like this? So glad you asked.
You might be a healthy agitator if:
You’re thinking ahead— sometimes decades into the life of your brand.
You’re attracting young talent like a magnet.
You have a solid and ongoing relationship with one or more social impact organizations.
One could describe your business strategy as “disruptive”.
We know that no one has all the answers.
First things first. Well, okay it’s technically the third thing— but this is definitely one of the first things you should know about Myriad. We truly believe in the power of multiple perspectives. In fact, the more voices the better. It’s not about design by committee, but rather an openness to our own blind spots.
From a wide range of input— comes a stronger, singular vision that speaks more accurately about the way the world really is, and not just how a handful of people perceive it. That’s what we call ‘collective truth’, and in terms of sticky content, there’s nothing that works more naturally to bolster a brand.
Cultural empathy
drives our creativity.
Ok here’s our deal— empathy. It’s the single biggest secret to our creative sauce. We believe the ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes is what separates good brand work from great
brand work.
Our unique, co-creative process is designed to allow the beliefs, mindsets, affinities, and behaviors of our client’s target audiences to bubble to the surface of our work. These insights are the engine in our creative car
This empathetic listening approach is what makes our ideas resonate so deeply, and reach so widely. Whether you seek to reach tech-buyers, talent, museum-goers, or policy-makers— they’re all just people. Real people with real human motivations. That’s why we tell real human stories to them. It’s about messaging that satisfies both the mind and the soul.”
Listening in surround sound gives us ideas we’ve never heard before.
We see the world
with a wide angle lens.
We built our home base in a city that sits at the intersection of one of the country's most robust science and tech theaters, the Research Triangle Park, multiple esteemed Universities including Duke and UNC, plus two of the oldest HBCUs in all 50 states.
Still, we proudly see the world through a wide angle lens. To meet the creative demands of major tech and philanthropic companies, we’ve been steadily growing our sphere of influence since 1993 from North Carolina— to the rest of the country.
Today, we’ve grown our network to pull from a rich base of creative talent from New York, to San Francisco, Chicago, LA, and beyond.