
Cult Comedy

The One Eighties Enter Club Disco Murder for Their 'No King' Video

Musical duo The One Eighties release the Myriad Original film for their genre defying Disco-Americana “No King,” a song about the demise of an oppressor.

The outlandish music video production, created in Club Disco Murder, features a villain who gets sacrificed by his own disco-cult minions and is co-directed by Myriad Directors Daniel Cook (one half of The One Eighties) and Spike Hoban. Thanks to the excellent work of everybody involved, the video was nominated for an American Advertising Award of 2023.

No King is about confronting someone who’s been getting the best of you and saying “no more,” then pushing them into an industrial glitter grinder.

Director Daniel Cook

Check out some of the Behind the Scenes photos from the 'No King' shoot or listen to The One Eighties break down the song's creation.

06 Mar 2025