
Speaking Out

Window Into an Artist with Wednesday and The Dead Tongues

As part of our Window Music collaboration with Hopscotch Music Festival and WUNC Music in September 2021, we interviewed both Karly Hartzman from Wednesday and Ryan Gustafson from The Dead Tongues.

Wednesday band front woman Karly Hartzman reflects on memories and absurdist interpretations of her youth as represented in the song 'Handsome Man'.

Every memory from your childhood is almost like its own diary entry that you can just pull the words right from.

Karly Hartzman, Wednesday

Ryan Gustafson of The Dead Tongues breaks down the lyrics for 'Pawnshop Dollar Bills' and talks addiction and taking a break from music.

Things change even when they seem stagnant or unbreakable.

Ryan Gustafson, The Dead Tongues

Check out more about our process of filming bands at Hopscotch and some of our other Window Into an Artist films.

Window Music is a webseries by Myriad where musicians perform in Downtown Raleigh. Window Music’s mission is to highlight Raleigh as a music hub. Alongside the thriving local scene, we attract the best of the best with our world class festivals and music venues. We hope to shine a light on our community and the talent it attracts.

06 Mar 2025