
Original Films

Finding Brand Film Inspiration at Snowy Sundance

A few members of the Myriad team attended the Brand Storytelling conference in Park City, Utah, where films from folks like The Climate Pledge, Procter & Gamble, Adobe, and YETI were shown & discussed. What an amazing (and super cold) experience!

A refreshing take away from each film? A single, easy to spot primary theme that came to life within the film while authentically expressing each brand.

President Will Feichter

Most brand storytelling films featured at snowy Sundance were highly emotional and memorable. From this consumer’s POV, it made viewing much more resonant and reflects well upon the presenting brands.

These films have shelf lives measured in years, and they’ll continue to build brand value long after the checks to fund them have cleared.

Of course, they’re just one part of the mix, but an emerging and important one. It’s key that accurate/appropriate measurement & standards for their success are being established as we speak.

A doff of the cap to the Brand Storytelling crew & the many like minded souls we hung out with at Snowy Sundance. Can’t wait to get inspired out there next year. 

21 Oct 2024