
Best Video

Voicemails Vol. 1 Shortlisted for Best Video in The Drum Chip Shop Awards

Voicemails to my Future Self Vol. 1 with Javon Johnson has been shortlisted for the Chip Shop Awards presented by The Drum, the renowned marketing and media news site.

The kind of ads that push boundaries, generate a buzz and get the entire industry excited.

The Drum

Our Myriad Originals film, Voicemails to my Future Self Vol. 1, is up against international agencies like Publicis and Wieden+Kennedy along with brands like Greenpeace, Heinz and Old Spice in the Best Video category.

An award like this feels good, but ultimately it means the film is getting seen and poet Javon Johnson's message is being shared. Inspiring action is why Myriad Originals was founded.

The Drum’s Chip Shop Awards notoriously celebrate unadulterated creative campaigns – the kind of ads that push boundaries, generate a buzz and get the entire industry excited.

Watch the full Voicemails film and see the other nominations on the Chip Shop Awards page.

Check out more on the awards over at The Drum's website.

27 Feb 2025