
Customer Testimonial

Testimonial Video Production

You strive to deliver products and services that make a positive impact on the lives of your customers. Let’s showcase your greatest customer success stories with compelling and engaging customer testimonial videos.

What are Video Testimonial Services and Why Does Your Business Need Them?

Advertising your company’s products and services is one thing. But showing and telling how others have relied on your company’s solutions to achieve real-world results can build a level of trust with prospective clients you’re unlikely to see through other marketing methods.

A customer testimonial video is a way to show audiences that your company follows through on its promises. When a prospective customer can see tangible benefits that someone else achieved by partnering with you, a lot of uncertainty in their buying-decision process is eliminated. ​​Broadly speaking, our testimonial video production services accomplish this by:

Telling your customer’s story

Your customers are ultimately working to make a positive impact in the lives of their end-users. By focusing on your customer’s passion and mission statement, your company is positioned as a facilitator of life-changing products and services.

Detailing your customer’s struggles

Your customers turned to you because one or more hurdles stood between them and their mission. If you want audiences to understand the value your company delivers, a testimonial video must first establish the problem your company solves.

Showing the benefits of your company’s solutions in action

A good customer video testimonialpaints a clear “before and after” narrative: The struggle that existed before your company entered the picture and the benefits and possibilities after your company leaped into action.

When done in a compelling manner, a customer testimonial video instills trust and moves prospective clients further down the funnel from prospect to buyer.

Let's Make a Testimonial Together

Contact us and let’s partner up to share your customers’ success stories through the power of video.

Best Practices For Video Testimonial Production

Video testimonials should put your best customers front and center, both on camera and in the story spotlight. At Myriad, we create video testimonials that share the brand story of your customers, and we focus on the why and how they partnered with your company to overcome their biggest challenges. But we do so through a human lens to make their story resonant on an emotional level. And we accomplish this by following our own set of best practices that include:

Finding the most engaging customer story

No matter your product or service, there’s always some kind of human impact. We look beyond the stats and figures—though, those are important too—to see how your client’s leaders, employees, and end-users can lead more enriched professional and personal lives thanks to your company.

Collaborating with you every step of the way

You have a seat at the creative table. You know your customer’s story better than anyone (save for the customer, of course). Your input is valued, your feedback is always appreciated, and your involvement in the creative process ensures you feel a well-deserved sense of ownership over the final product.

Bringing your client into the fold

This is your client’s time to shine, which means we never leave them in the dark at any point in the production process. Together with you, we work with your client to shape and refine the story we want to tell. We help them see beyond the efficiency gains, workflow improvements or any other benefit your company delivers—and show them how to tell their story in a way that brings the human element into the storytelling equation.

What is Our Process for Creating Customer Video Testimonials?

A customer testimonial video follows a similar three-step production process that typical videos do (pre-production, production, post-production). We work with you to identify the customer, develop the look and feel of the video, write the script and/or interview guide, refine the edit, and publish a finished piece that makes you and your client proud. Additionally, our producers schedule the interviews, secure locations, and coordinate to handle all the critical logistical details needed to take the production from start to finish.

Of course, one major differentiator between a customer testimonial and other videos is the inclusion of your customer as on-camera talent. But don’t worry. We know when working with your client that we’re doing so on your behalf. We make the entire process—from shooting the interviews to collecting B-roll—as stress free and streamlined for your client as possible.

Client Showcase


Examples of Our Testimonial Video Services

We bring our creative and artistic A-game to each and every customer testimonial video we produce. But you don’t have to take our word for it. See our work for yourself!


Discover More of Our Work

While we do a lot of customer testimonial videos, we do a lot of other video work as well. From brand videos, to explainers and animation, see what else our Video Production Services can do.


Interested in Customer Testimonial Video Production with Myriad? 

Get in touch to share through the power of video the impact you’re making in the lives of your clients.