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New Films Coming from Myriad Originals in Fall 2022

Our pre-production schedule is getting full with a few Myriad Original films, documentaries, and more exciting creations in development. While it’s tricky to share ideas that are still being cooked up, here are a few sneak peeks.

Seeds is a limited series about indigenous rights and a search for new ways to tackle climate change.

Beth Roach wants to help prevent the total disappearance of indigenous communities, like her own Nottoway people, by educating the world about the importance of our spiritual bonds with native seeds. In her fight for survival, she, along with her business partner and fiancé, faces an uphill battle against systemic racism and cultural barriers designed to eliminate indigenous knowledge.

Seeds is in development seeking partners.

Wingman is our codename for Voicemails To My Future Self Vol 2. Veterans are trained to deal with an enemy very efficiently. But what do you do when the enemy is you?

"Leave no one behind" extends through all branches of military service and civilian life. When the call comes... you drop everything and go.

Wingman is currently in pre-production and plans to film in Summer 2022.

Disco Murder is a music video for “No King,” the first single for a new Pop-Americana duo called The One Eighties.

Disco Murder is a nightclub for sparkly misfits from all walks of life. Everyone is welcome, provided they agree to the terms upon entry. The second they fall out of step, they are ceremoniously thrown in the glitter grinder and turned into human confetti, AKA “the life of the party.”

At the helm of this dystopian farce is a charismatic gamemaker called Hugo. Like any master manipulator, he regards his subservients as useful idiots—until they turn on him, that is. As the song’s hook says, “what goes up comes down.”

Disco Murder is currently in pre-production and plans to film this Summer. Look for a debut later this year.

“Cooking Show” is a cooking series based on local availability, affordability and seasonally sourced produce.

Each video will highlight a local farmer, chef, cook or maker, first sharing their connection to North Carolina produce, their passion for availability and nutrition and then demonstrating cooking simple nutritious recipes that are seasonally available and prepared with minimal equipment.

All recipes will have an inclusive focus of all income levels and walks of life.

Cooking Show is currently in development. Filming dates to come.

We've always got something fun cooking with Window Music. We recently released two new Window Into An Artist films, with Wednesday and The Dead Tongues.

We filmed KT Tunstall as part of the Kay Yow Cancer Fundraiser at Koka Booth Amphitheatre in Cary, NC in late May. So, stay tuned for those videos coming very soon.

As well, we have a handful of ongoing conversations about future band films. We are thinking a lot about the future and plan to announce even more additions to the Window Music platform very soon.

Check out all of our Myriad Originals here.

06 Mar 2025